Keep Your Drive and Stick to It!

One of the biggest challenges in fitness is keeping your drive to continue to workout. Some of my friends need a workout buddy to keep them motivated, others need to take fitness classes but for me– I need a goal. 

My latest goal: run my first marathon. 
Here’s how I’m going to stick to it: 
Plan it.

I opened up my google calendar and planned out all my workouts until the day when I am going to attain my goal. Tentatively my 26.2 run is marked down for January 13th, 2013. That gives me 139 days to reach my goal. 
Google calendars are great because you can plan out all of your workouts online and have google send you an e-mail every morning to let you know what’s on your agenda for the day. Daily reminders make me stick to it. 
Here’s what I’ve got going on for the next month:
Share it. 

You don’t have to be this guy:
But you can log your workouts on dailymile and share your achievements with people who care– like me! What’s great about dailymile is that when you track your run, you can keep track of the mileage of your shoes by stating which pair of running shoes you wore on that run. Tracking your shoes is super important. (Thank you Katherine for the reminder because I have definitely been dropping the ball on this one!)  You don’t want to be running more than 300- 500 miles in your shoes. You should also go by feel. A runner who lands hard on their heels is going to go through their shoes faster than a lighter runner. Take a look and see if the soles are wasting away or the mid sole material is poking through the out sole. If they are, go on a shopping spree! 
To be honest, I took a break of keeping track of my runs on dailymile for a while (I also wasn’t running because of my crazy tendons) but I’m so glad to be back in the community. You don’t just have to track runs. You can let the world know about your awesome CrossFit workout or any other activity that you did.  Add me on dailymile and we can encourage eachother! 
Get excited about it. 

When I’m getting my sweat on, I love a pumped up playlist. Every month I start a new playlist on my blog with all the hottest songs from that month. You can find them in my playlists tab. Some months are better for new music than others but that’s what merging them into your own amazing playlists can help with! If I’m loving my jams, I’m loving my workout. It’s just the way I work! 
Tomorrow is the last day to enter my GLOSSYBOX giveaway! You can enter it HERE!

What keeps you motivated? 

What goal are you working towards?

Do you need gym buddies or fixed classes to keep you motivated? 

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