Boot Camp My Way To The Sporting Life 10K!

So, I started a new class to keep up my cross-training in the winter: Boot Camp. And I may have just fallen in love. My instructor is fierce and she knows how to kick-butt– I LOVE IT! Looks like I will be lifting weights more then I thought- Kelly Ripa and Michelle Obama, waaaatch out! My arms are gonna look like yours very soon! My friends use to rave to me about this hardcore workout but I never jumped on their bandwagon… until now. Annnd– another BFF jumped onto my running soul train! SO excited!! Meet my newest running BFF (I LOVE saying that! And I love saying love– have you noticed?!) Here’s my two newest running BFF’s:

My Running BFF’s: Shan, Me, and Tasha

If you will notice this image is very similar to my previous post image of my newest running BFF. I like to call this, “the night my friends became crazy runners like myself!” And this just in, Tasha and I have just signed up for the Sporting Like 10K in Toronto on May 1st, 2011! (Shan– it’s your turn to make it official! *wink*wink* I’m about to go and make your training schedule…) I’m SO excited! And I hear more bff’s might be joining in on the fun! (YA! YA! YAAAA!)

Get pumped with this preview:

My first official registration has been made for the season– the countdown is on!

And in t-minus 1 hour and 5 minutes Brit’s new single will be on iTunes… yep, you guessed it! The countdown is totes on for that too!

Haven’t heard it? Check it out HERE!

4 thoughts on “Boot Camp My Way To The Sporting Life 10K!

  1. Good on you girl… firstly for the cross-training in winter instead of doing nothing because of the weather, and then for the 10k in the pipe line. (I ran a 30km this weekend wish I had had a little more time to train for it)

  2. I know making time for it is key! Making myself take a boot camp class means I HAVE to do weights instead of opting for a run. (Which given the option– I would take the run hands down). And my muscles are loving me for it today!

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