This is Halloween!


My favourite thing about Halloween is Heidi Klum’s Halloween party! Her costumes are always THE BEST! (And take hours of prep work.) I cannot what to open up google tomorrow and see all her party pictures from tonight’s soiree! If only one year I would get invited to the biggest bash of the year!

Although, I took part in the annual Bartoween! For those of you who don’t know, it’s my friend Bart’s birthday ten days before Halloween, so we go ALL out on Halloween weekend for him. This year I was a peacock:

As a costume designer, Halloween has a little bit of pressure for me but I really loved designing and making this years costume. It just might be one of my favourites! We hit up Toronto and danced the night away:

It was such a fun night that was full of cardio but of course, I had to hit the gym before I went out on Saturday night. (And reserve some energy for cheerleading practice the next day!) 

What’s your Halloween 2011 costume?! 
(Bonus points for pictures!!) 

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