That was a TURRIBLE workout!

You can’t always have an amazing practice.

Words to remember. 

It’s beyond frustrating to be excited for your training session, you get there and end up having the worst practice in a LONG time. Welcome to my Tuesday night.

I was pumped up with my new fuel from my friends at Sport Chek and was so excited to get my new skills into action at my private tumbling lesson with Gary.

It was a fail. 

I got to the gym filled with protein, electrolytes, and carbs and was ready to go. I even tweeted about my excitement. I started practice and it was miserable for me. It was one of those days where no matter how hard you concentrate, your body just refuses to spin in the direction you want it to and your calves will pick and choose when they want to jump really high or just half jump. To top it off, my feet tendons started to give me shooting pains again. Will the after affect of my sprained tendons ever go away?!

It’s all over Pinterest that, “the only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.” 

But when you have a bad workout, you wish it didn’t happen. 

Here’s the thing, you’ve got to be optimistic and realize that it’s the bad workouts that get you to the amazing ones. I look at these workouts that make me want to cry just like I would if I hit the wall during a run. You push through and learn how you did it so that the next time you get to the same obstacle, you can over come them. It sucks and you get frustrated when it happens but during your next workout, you work harder and are stronger because of it. 

After these crappy workouts, I pump up my playlist and hit the gym harder for my next workout. Here’s  my latest. Get ready for some guilty pleasures:

As much as I hate having to admit that I had a terrible workout, I really like the feeling of going to the gym and pushing myself harder because of it.

I’m off to get sweaty at kettlebell! Maria’s back which means I will be WERKED!

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