T-Mill, please spoil me!

Rest days. They just make me feel so guilty. Especially when yesterday was my second rest day in a row. I would like to tell you that I felt really guilty for not doing any sort of workout but honestly, I don’t feel that bad about it. You do have to rest your muscles so that they can get stronger and I was too busy being spoiled.

It all started with me sharing my HUGE news about being a finalist in the Best Health Magazine’s Blog Awards. And then I got home to a package from my aunt in Ireland. I don’t know if I ever told you how excited I get over snail mail but it always looks like this:

I opened it to find a beauty of a bracelet and earrings:

 I’m spoiled. Thank you Auntie Anne!!

And then I went out and had a Valentine’s Day date two days after the celebrated day. I think I prefer celebrating Mister Valentino after everyone else. It makes going out less crazy and hectic. So, you guessed it– I was spoiled again.

Hello, beautiful pink and yellow roses!

And then I got home to three packages of individually wrapped Reese Peanut Butter Cups! Deee-licious!

Tonight’s date is with the t-mill. I don’t think he will be giving me chocolate, flowers or jewellery! But- I will keep you posted! Maybe I will just tell him that he can vote for me once a day for the Best Health Blog Awards HERE!
Oh, you can do it to!

4 thoughts on “T-Mill, please spoil me!

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