And The Nominees Are…

It’s one of my favourite times again.It’s award season! Today the Academy Award nominees were released for 2011 which means- I’m going to have to catch up on my movie watching!

I could only imagine the feelings that all of these artists are going through as they wait to hear their name on  TV or a live streaming. (Thank you, I wish their was video documentation of the different artists jumping up and down as they hear their name being announced. Ahhh, AA my countdown to Sunday February 27th is ON! In 33 days I will be watching all the elegant gowns and tux’s and saying to myself, “I wish I was there!”

Here’s to hoping that I watch all of the nominated movies by then. So far I think I have only seen three… eeks!  I clearly have a lot of work to do.


And yes, my killer boot camp lady kicked my butt again last night. As I was watching The Bachelor last night I said, “Wow, that wasn’t so bad. I don’t feel in pain at all!” And then as I walked around this morning I could feel my muscles have been worked. Espcially in my glutes. Thanks for another glorious butt kicking with boxing, boot camp lady!

1 thought on “And The Nominees Are…

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