40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge

Once the fun of eating endless pancakes on Mardi Gras ended, it seems like everyone has decided to give up something they love for 40 days and 40 nights. I have decided to not deprive myself of anything. Living in my “everything with moderation” lifestyle, I decided to take on a 40 days of stretching challenge. 

I use to be able to pull any stretch without a warm up. Since I have increased my running and weight training, my muscles have become stronger and I have become less flexible. A teammate  on my cheer team introduced me to  Gabi Butler,  an incredibly flexible cheerleader on Top Gun Jags:

Gabi has made a stretching video on youtube of techniques that she uses. This girl is insane and I LOVE it! 

My 40 days of stretching will include 30 minutes of HARD stretching and not just a 10 minute post run stretch out. 

Are you doing a 40 day challenge? 

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